Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Korean Playlist

I'm now thinking about my playlist. It seem old and i haven't update it yet. So, now, i will update my playlist, start from the korean playlist (because i don't have any good song's suggestion in english song actually).

10. Kara - Mister

09. Kara - Jumping

08. Tiara - Ya Ya Ya

07. If You Pretend - Kim Jong wook ft. Kang Min Kyung

06. So Much - Super Sta

05. Getting tired of waiting - 2PM

04. Living In The Heart - Untouchable ft. Narsha from Brown Eyed Girl

03. Mighty Mouth - Tok Tok

02. Sunflower - Gavy NJ ft. Sunny Side MJ

01. Pinocchio (Danger) - f(x)

because i'm too lazy to post the link, just search it on Youtube or 4shared. it will be there :).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All from my brother

as my title of this post, all i wear were bought by my brother, Putra. And all i wear in this post, now are too small for my brother, so he gave it to me. 

i've taken this photos long time ago, i think 2 weeks ago. i'm too lazy to move this photos to my computer, so sorry :(.

PS : my brother love to collect all things from a brand that he love :).

ummm bad lightning


LOL my mouth

what i wear on this post :
topman shirt
planet ocean short
unbranded electric shoes 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

By My Brother

as my title on this post, this post's photos were taken by my brother, Putra. He was waiting from 1 AM until 4 AM to get this photos.

Yes he was taking GERHANA BULAN TOTAL's photos. i don't know what is gerhana bulan in English, so in this post i will call it as gerhana bulan.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

editing again....

yeah, 10 days you waiting my new post. this is the post. because, Audition has been updated for Summer holiday !

i'm very very busy. while all blogger update her/his blog, i'm at Bogor, Kebayan village. i'm doing team building there, in the LDK OSIS's event. and after that, i'm going to Cibubur, doing JAMBORE. yeah, but it was all fun and memoriable. not nice, but memoriable.

so, i'm getting tired when i'm taking my camera and want to photograph. i'm just editing.

my matching card with my couple in that game

then, i have many screenshot that i don't edit. it was good without editing.

my love party, i'm changing my ring

my avatar at lobby 


my family at audition

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm Trying

to post this one, as the title, I did try it. and the results of my first experiment of this ....

less satisfactory .......

want to know what I am trying really?

I tried to .....

paint my nails ....

Well, not really my nails, my Parents do not allow me to do that.

What I paint it is a artificial nail.

That is :

nice ? thankyou, muahahahahaha.....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Celine's Bday Party

my friend Celine, celebrating his birthday a few days ago. I have not posted about this because I was busy studying.

Celine celebrates her birthday with us at restotan treat Eaton. Afterthat, we walking around the malls and photobox. We play at Time Zone.

our photobox

our photobox ;)

Celine and Ronaldo

Acelyn and Clarisa

what i'm eating there

the boys (Ronaldo, Biyan, William)


Again, Celine and Ronaldo

What i'm wearing on that day ?? 

Domo t-shirt
checked prints shorts

Pink me !

because the test just one more day (Indonesian and PLKJ) so i write the post today.

I'm normal today. I'm not in bad mood, but not in a happy mood too.But yesterday, yes I'm in the mood for taking photographs.
so, i wear something bright as my mood yesterday. i choose pink.
Whenever i think i have not buy any pink, there was many many many pink stuff in my wardrobe. hmm ....

pink minnie doll !

thanks for Celine who give this :)


i'm wearing :
pink sweter
my md's trouser
pink t-shirt by number 61