Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas coming

Yeah, final exam is all over. FINAL EXAM IS DONE.
What a such fun world if exams are gone. swear, i feel it true.
But, i've to do something, searching for sponsorship for my school's sport event.
The theme is masterpiece.

Thinking through that business ? Not me at all.
I know i must do it seriously, but not as serious as that. Just go on and enjoy it, right ? ;)
Today, i'm thinking to watch the football match, Manchester City vs Chelsea.
But it's too night for me, my parents will not allow me to watch that. Its 2.30 clock in the morning !

Well then, christmas is coming nearer !
So i make a picture for christmas.
Through, i'm always create stories when christmas come, but my ideas are now stuck.

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