Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Such Nature Beauty

I do not post too long? I hope not.
Last Monday, there is make up lessons at my school (in the modern dance class). Because the make-up that will be judged, so I do not know anything about make up, learn. and, the results are not bad. I do not shoot, still need exercise. and, so I changed my mind about themake-up. I am so interested to try it again.

but, when I think back, in fact all women are beautiful, without make up. errata, all women have beauty. stay how we can take care of beauty that lies within us.
make-up rather than a means to cover the shortage in our faces

think, are beauty is only impartial in the face?

for me, beauty is compared between your heart and your body. not with makeup, or clothes, then we can be sayed beautiful !

for this post, i just take some pose, but the costume just usual costum that i always wear when i'm at home.


"Beauty is such a nature, be yourself to be beauty, girls !"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sit On the Ground

back again :). yet it feels too long to write again.
in fact, replicates in the schools is how to accumulate. I also could have surreptitiously online while doing a task, but somehow I alwaysdo not open this blog.

a few days ago, I went to the dentist and dokteritu say that my jawhad to be enlarged and later my face structure is changed. butthankfully, more specialist doctors who say that I do not need enlarged the jaw :).

before I was relieved, I decided to sit and enjoy the garden at my house. because of low rainfall, the air was so cool. I photographedsome of the corners of my garden.

are they too bright ?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Silly, Stupid, or ?

Long time no post ? Sorry, i'm very busy this week. I felt confused this week. Sometime, I felt stomache. Yeah, and many test. So, I don't write or post on this blog. Very very sorry :(.

But, a few days ago, I decided to take pictures of me that is being faced,emmm, weird.
I will post here.
in fact, had I wanted to write about chocolate in the past, but I havenot managed to get the full picture. Tiu then, I'll write about this 
myself's photos first.


and, actually it's for my biology assignment at school, which deals with environmental pollution. and when the holiday yesterday, we were told to create a task, accompanied by photographs. These photos that I collect for the task.

So bad ? Yes -_- 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is my story :)

See it, ladies and gentlement :D. I just make a video about me, and this is the video !
(okay, i'm just follow what my friend, Brenda, do)

Sorry, I'm a gamer and photo editor

how long do I have to post again? 2 days? 3 days? okay sorry, butthe holidays this time I actually spent to play.
I have not been shopping again, and I also do not have the idea topost here. but somehow there is what, today I wanted to post.

with little force, I'll post some of my recent edits. I can be lot of newpictures of my game, they've just updated March 22.

okay. Have I posted it before ? and this is my recent edit, but not from my game.

then, a big sorry because long time no new post in this blog ! Sorry, because i'm not just a blogger, i'm a tweeps, i'm a gamer, and i'm a photo editor :).