Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Snack today ?

this morning, I woke up at 9 am, and immediately opened the fridge, looking for breakfast.
and that I found in my refrigerator is :

I think:
wow, not good to eat sweets in the morning. Last I checked the place of bread, but no white bread or any bread there.

when I let go, thinking to combine breakfast with my lunch, I looked into the snack cupboard, and found ...

if you so I, whether you will take one of the above snacks and eat them for breakfast?
some would probably eat it, but I am not a person who loves to eat snacks, or candy, but candy and chocolate mint from abroad (much wants) hahaha.
So, I tried to forget my hungry stomach, and switched to my new keyboard

and, play a few songs until my lunch arrived :).

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